As a progressive step towards Eco-friendly Initiatives, CSR Research Foundation has conducted following activities.

Installation of incinerators: The installation of incinerators in School, Collages and public spaces is a sustainable step toward efficient waste management by burning used Sanitary Napkin.

Around 100 incinerators have been installed in various Schools, Colleges, and public places in and around Delhi NCR region to foster the environmental need.

Organizes conferences to sensitize and educate individuals on various environmental related topics. These events serve as platforms for sharing knowledge, fostering awareness, and promoting discussions.

  • Revival, Conservation & Management of Nature’s Water.
  • Creating Academic Stewardship for Drinking Water & Sanitation, a step towards Swachh Bharat Mission (Supported by Ministry of Drinking Water & Sanitation Govt. of India). 
  • Promoting Mountain Products, Livelihoods and Disaster Risk Reduction held in Parliament Annexe Building, Parliament of India.
  • National Summit 2022 on “Challenges and Opportunities in Green Hydrogen, EV & Bio-Fuels to Combat Climate Change.
  • National Summit 2022 on “Green Energy in India Accelerating towards Global Leadership.
  • Providing E-Rickshaw Facility to The Visitor In India International Trade Fair to create Eco friendy Environment.

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